Labels:bulletin board | cellulose tape | chair | donut | machine | person OCR: 3M M INNESOTA M INING AND M ANUFACTURING COMPANY COMPANY LEADER PHOVIDING QUALITY PROOUCTI FOR HOMI OFFICE ANC INDUSTRY SepreN Callaphone UNIA 10p Punched eards erentod automntienlly hy-prod. Matronals with Card Punch Intercouplers uet of accounting posting records to thi freight save $35 000 annually returning 200% mprassie MINNE SOTA MINING MANUF ACTURING COMPANY "SCOTCH" Pou Wwneset "SCOTCH SCOTCH "Current cos records automatic creation "In addition these dollar -und cen "SCOTCHG of punched cards, control over cash savings, we have heen impreared with the ISCOTCHLITE receipts up-to-the-minute accounts versatility rofour National machines They ceivable accounting and efficient addinp have permitted meet changing machine listing are fust some of many quirementa and in every CHBE keep Jobs ...